Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day Twelve: Last day! Manga and Story-Boarding

General Art:
This period was dedicated to introducing the next assignment students would  be starting the following day. Mr. H began by asking students if they were familiar with Manga and Anime, the majority were. He then spoke about how he will only introduce a culture/history/person if he can reduce it to three questions: 1)What was the change that occurred? (What made them revolutionary?) 2) What is their influence? (Why did they do what they did?) 3) What is the tradition they kept? (not too radical). He really focused on the progression/development of single panel comics to full anime by connecting the influences from Japan to the US and back. He showed examples to students and asked them to focus on their life as students, make something that you connect with. The US animated industry focuses on the heroic/what sells, they should focus on what they connect to, event if it would draw only a small crowd. Students were given time to come up a five sentence story that they would turn into a Manga in their own style. He showed images of comics and talked about breaking up the space and creating dynamic images. Students seemed excited as they spoke at the end of the hour about their ideas.
I think this sounds like such a fun project for this age group; what a great way to connect the students through their experiences as students together. Mr. H also asked students to raise their hands if they have been to an art museum in the class (1) and then he asked them to raise their hands if they have seen anything animated within the last month (every student). He told them that he wants to make sure they are familiar with their pop culture, what is truly relevant to them rather than just the fine arts.

Prep hour:
During this time Nora, Mr. H, and I reviewed his notes on our lesson and discussed what we would learn as we gained experience teaching. Mr. H was full of compliments and encouragement even while he was critiquing things we could have done differently. Speaking with him made me really excited about becoming a teacher; I only wish I'd be in the classroom again sooner! I was also excited to speak with him about student teaching; he would like to request both Nora and I to work with since we will be student teaching during different semesters. This is so great! I loved working with Mr. H over the last couple weeks and I feel like I've learned a great deal during this time.
We also went over grading for the Notan Design Lesson; Mr. H graded a couple projects with us and Nora and I will finish grading this weekend. He also showed us the basic functions of skyward before his next class began.
 I asked Mr. H what advice he would give a new teacher; he thought about it for a while and then said that the best advice he was ever given was: teach your students how to survive in the world, use art as a tool. What a fantastic way to express the core of education, how can they use what you teach them if they can't make it fit in their lives?

Eighth Grade:
This class began learning about story-boarding today. Mr. H introduced different views that are important in story boarding and gave great verbal stories that incorporated effective shots. He did a great job of helping students imagine scenes and how they would depict them. Students were shown many examples of story-boards and discussed what they were seeing.

It was really sad saying goodbye to Mr. H; I learned so much from my time in his class. I hope that I will be able to student teach with him, he is a great teacher and I think I would fit well into this setting.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Eleven: Finishing the Notan Design Lesson

Eighth Grade:
Today, Nora and I finished teaching our Notan Design lesson to the eighth grade class. The students had continued their lessons with Mr. H on Friday and were expected to be finishing up in class today. Before the class began Nora and I worked quickly with Mr. H to come up with a small project for students to start today, since many were nearing the end of our lesson, according to Mr. H. Mr. H informed us that these students recently learned about analogous and complimentary colors, so he thought it would be a great idea for students to build off of our lesson with this knowledge to create another small Notan, now that they understand how it works. We started the class by splitting students up into pairs to critique and contemplate scoring based on the self-assessment forms they received last week. Due to the new lesson/filler that we were introducing to the class, we decided to  introduce our closure question near the beginning of class, because it felt like an appropriate way to start. Our questions was, "If you could go back and do something differently, what would it be and why?" This allowed students to think about their design and what would be an improvement for their 4x4 in. color Notan creations. We also reminded students of what was all due at the beginning of the next hour and collected the work from students that were done and gave further instruction to students who needed it. We then gave the students work time, Nora and I circulated the room answering questions, giving suggestions, and reinforcing students. The class seemed a little less under our control today, I think it was because it was a Monday and some students were getting frustrated with cutting and gluing paper due to other projects Mr. H has worked with them on. Some of the students were turning out fantastic projects though, it was so exciting to see how successful and intricate some of their work was. I really look forward to reading through their answers, self-assessments, and getting the chance to really sit down and look at their final products. As class wrapped up, Nora and I flipped through the closure questions to make sure that students were able to answer all of them before class and pointed out the items that are due tomorrow. Mr. H then took over to remind students of what they were doing tomorrow and take back control of the room.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day Ten: Stages and Day Two of Notan Design Lesson

General Art: Continuing stage design
I feel like this class keeps becoming more open to me; I was very excited about working with them today and felt really invested in their work. I asked many of the students what they selected as books, gave positive feedback, and suggested additions of methods for them to use. I was able to joke around with students and talk to them about books and music, I think some of these students are starting to really like me. They no longer shy away from me or answer me with short replies. Students were telling me about their school play, their family, and anything else they could think of related to their books. The only problem is I only have one more day with them! There are some really great kids in this class who have come up with very creative ways to design a scene and portray emotion. It’s going to be sad saying goodbye, knowing that we have just begun to build a relationship.

During this time I spoke to Mr. H about rules; he does not post rules in his class. I had noticed this within the first couple of days that I was present in his room. Mr. H said that he expected his students at this age to understand social rules and the general expectations within a classroom. The only rules students received were on the syllabus and would only be discussed if there were a discipline issue.

Lesson Day two:
This was another exciting day! Mr. H was out of the room for a parent-teacher conference during the majority of the prep hour and missed the first couple minutes of class. Nora and I began shortly after the bell rang and started with a recap of what students learned the day before. We split the students into small groups of three to four and gave each group a word to define. (Symmetry, asymmetry, balance, negative space, and positive space.) We asked them to write the word and define it in their own words together and present it to the class. The students did a great job of coming up with definitions and I tried to connect the definitions they gave with images that we looked at yesterday. Nora then gave a demo on how to use the exacto knives and how students should flip the pieces and paste them. We gave a few suggestions on methods that might help them create well-crafted designs. Students began working on cutting their designs out and pasting them on their large sheets of white paper. As Nora and I rotated through the room we were asked a couple questions that we addressed to the class. It was exciting to see how the information we gave them was leading to understanding and successful designs. Some students were getting excited about how their projects and other student’s work were looking. Mr. H decided to extend the project through Monday because he was pleased with how their work was looking and wanted to make sure their projects turned out well. Nora and I will be returning to the class to finish up the lesson on Monday and see how their work as paid off. To finish class we asked another closure questions, “What did you gain inspiration from for your design?”

Day Nine: Notan Lesson day one - 11/7

Notan Design!
My partner, Nora, and I began our lesson today with the Eighth grade class. Notan design focuses on utilizing elements of design to create either a symmetrical or asymmetrical image. (I will add photos of my examples and student work soon.) The students are given a 6x6 in. black square that they cut shapes from and rotate the pieces as if they were on a door hinge to explore positive and negative space. This will be glued down to large white paper.

Lesson Day one:
Nora and I began the class with a PowerPoint presentation that we hoped would engage the students through questioning and participation. Students were a little resistant and possibly a little intimidated by the change of dynamics within the class; Nora and I haven’t spent an incredible amount of time with them and have not been a significant part of any lesson up to this point. We struggled a little to get students to participate, but we reacted positively to comments and tried to appear open.  In the PowerPoint were images of Notan design, including history and examples of symmetry, asymmetry, positive space, negative space, and balance. We also defined student expectations and due dates. We explained our expectations for sketches and showed an example. Nora and I then passed out both papers along with a self-assessment form for students to complete after finishing the project. Students were given the remainder of the period to sketch while Nora and I circulated through the room answering questions. As closure we asked the students what Notan design is and asked them to write their answers in their art notebooks. Students were assigned to have three sketches finished and their favorite one drawn out on their black paper for tomorrow.

I was so excited about teaching today that I almost started to cry when we finished for the day. This was not expected; I just really loved teaching the kids and working to engage them through questioning. It was thrilling to answer their questions and work with them individually on their designs. I was so excited about making myself seem accessible and approachable to the students; the last thing I want is for them to feel like they can’t ask me a question or talk with me about their work. This was an incredibly exciting and eye-opening day. I feel like I learned so much from this initial experience.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day Eight: Stage Construction and Adding Color

General Art:
As usual, this class immediately went to work without being prompted by Mr. H. As I walked around the room I became aware of just how different students were interpreting the prompt and how far some students were in comparison with others. The students spent the hour constructing and decorating their stages to their liking. Mr. H acted as facilitator today through assisting students with questions and commenting on their work. There was little that either of us really needed to assist students with in retrospect; we talked about student projects and organized the room while remaining accessible for students. This class went smoothly, most students made significant progress and there were no issues within the room.

Mr. H and I spent more time discussing student lessons and how to engage their minds and encourage reflection while teaching them about a new culture/art history. I really look forward to this hour and find this time to be very encouraging as a prospective teacher. I learn such different things from directly working with students verses talking with Mr. H about teaching. I think the combination of both is what makes this observation experience so enlightening and fulfilling.

Eighth Grade:
This class continued their two-point perspective drawings; the majority of students were finishing up their addition of color (chalk-pastels) and were preparing to outline their buildings with a fine-tip marker. Mr. H emphasized that students need to layer colors, create focal points, and make sides of buildings distinctly different. For those that were finished, Mr. H allowed students to attempt to write their name using two-point perspective. This was the first day that Mr. H had to discipline students while I was present; one girl rubbed her chalk-covered fingers on another girl's face, at the time Mr. H and I were discussing art history and were brought back to the class by their hysteric laughter. Mr. H chose to re-arrange seating due to the frequency of their off-task/distracting behavior. The two girls were separated and at the beginning of each class are expected to move their desks in to corners to avoid distracting others.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day seven: Construction of Stages

General Art:
Students began constructing their stages today. Mr. H began class with a demonstration on techniques students can use to cut cardboard to create curves or flaps. Mr. H asked me to watch for student use of the exacto knives to help him prevent student injury through misuse. I enjoyed walking around viewing their work in progress, there was an interesting variety of styles and sizes within the class. I'm excited to see their work continue to progress through the next week. It was also nice to see students taking note of the work around them, they were complimenting other student's work and using these new ideas to change their designs slightly.

Sadly, there was more testing through the 8th grade class, so I was unable to work with them today.